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In Broken Images 깨진 이미지들 - Rober Graves 로버트 그레이브스 원문

by 음야매 2022. 12. 28.

In Broken Images - Rober Graves

깨진 이미지들  - 로버트 그레이브스



He is quick, thinking in clear images;
I am slow, thinking in broken images.

그는 뚜렷한 이미지들을 통해 생각하며 재빠르고

나는 깨진 이미지들을 통해 상각하여 느리다.

He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images;
I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images.

그는 뚜렷한 이미지들을 믿으며 무뎌지고

나는 깨진 이미지들을 믿지 못해 날카로워진다.

Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance;
Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance.

이미지들을 믿는 그는 그 사이 연관성을 가정하고

이미지들을 믿지 못하는 나는 그 사이의 연관성을 의심한다

Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact;
Questioning their relevance, I question the fact.

연관성이 있다는 가정 아래 그는 사실임을 가정하고

연관성이 있는지 의심 아래 나는 사실인지 의심한다

When the fact fails him, he questions his senses;
When the fact fails me, I approve my senses.

사실이 아님이 드러나면 그는 자신의 감각을 의심하고

사실이 아님이 드러나면 나는 자신의 감각을 승인한다

He continues quick and dull in his clear images;
I continue slow and sharp in my broken images.

뚜렷한 이미지들을 보는 그는 여전히 재빠르고 무디며

깨진 이미지들을 보는 나는 여전히 느리고 날카롭다

He in a new confusion of his understanding;
I in a new understanding of my confusion.

자신의 이해로 인해 새로운 혼란을 겪게 되는 그

자신의 혼란 덕분에 새로운 이해를 얻게 되는 나



The Broken Images was written and published by Robert Graves in 1941, the same year that World War II broke out. The poem is a modern take on historical events leading up to the war, and it offers readers key insight into how Graves viewed history at the time.

The Broken Images는 제2차 세계 대전이 발발한 해인 1941년에 Robert Graves에 의해 작성되고 출판되었습니다. 이 시는 전쟁으로 이어지는 역사적 사건에 대한 현대적 해석이며 독자들에게 당시 그레이브스가 역사를 어떻게 보았는지에 대한 중요한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

Background and publication

Robert Graves, the author of The Broken Images, was a poet and novelist who lived from 1895 to 1985. He was born in Wimbledon in London, England and at the age of 23 he traveled to America where he worked as a teacher. He later moved to France but returned soon after when World War I broke out. He spent some time serving with British Intelligence during this period before returning home again after being wounded twice at Ypres (also known as Passchendaele). After his return from war service Robert Graves published his first book Injuries: Poems about Men and Women and other works including The White Goddess which became extremely popular among poets such as T.S Eliot because it gave them inspiration for their own work while also showing how poetry could be used for more than just entertainment purposes.

The Broken Images의 저자인 Robert Graves는 1895년부터 1985년까지 살았던 시인이자 소설가입니다. 그는 영국 런던의 Wimbledon에서 태어나 23세에 미국으로 건너가 교사로 일했습니다. 그는 나중에 프랑스로 이주했지만 제1차 세계 대전이 발발하자 곧 돌아왔습니다. 그는 Ypres (Passchendaele라고도 함)에서 두 번 부상을 입은 후 다시 집으로 돌아 오기 전에이 기간 동안 영국 정보국에서 근무하는 데 시간을 보냈습니다. 로버트 그레이브스는 군복무에서 돌아온 후 그의 첫 번째 저서 부상: 남성과 여성에 관한 시와 T.S 엘리엇과 같은 시인들 사이에서 매우 인기를 얻은 백색 여신을 포함한 다른 작품을 출판했습니다. 단순한 엔터테인먼트 목적 이상으로 사용될 수 있습니다.

Breakdown of the poem

The main body of the poem is divided into two parts. The first describes Graves's experience in the trenches, and the second describes his homecoming. Both sections use imagery to describe experiences that would have been difficult to understand without a visual aid—the former with images of death and destruction, and the latter with images of peace and nature.

시의 본문은 두 부분으로 나뉩니다. 첫 번째는 참호에서 그레이브스의 경험을 설명하고 두 번째는 그의 귀향을 설명합니다. 두 섹션 모두 시각적인 도움 없이는 이해하기 어려웠을 경험을 이미지를 사용하여 설명합니다. 전자는 죽음과 파괴의 이미지, 후자는 평화와 자연의 이미지입니다.


Poem's historical context

The Broken Images is a poem written by Robert Graves in 1914, during the first world war. The time period of this poem was called "The Great War." When it came out, people believed it was a reflection of the war and its effects on society.

This poem was published at a time when people were struggling to make sense of why this had happened, so it gave them some comfort to read something that showed how someone felt about what was happening around them.

The Broken Images는 로버트 그레이브스가 1914년 제1차 세계 대전 중에 쓴 시입니다. 이 시의 시대는 "대전쟁"이라고 불렸습니다. 그것이 나왔을 때 사람들은 그것이 전쟁과 사회에 미치는 영향을 반영한다고 믿었습니다.

이 시는 사람들이 왜 이런 일이 일어났는지 이해하기 위해 고군분투하던 시기에 출판되었으므로 주변에서 일어나는 일에 대해 누군가가 어떻게 느끼는지 보여주는 시를 읽음으로써 약간의 위안을 얻었습니다.

a modern poem that we can understand with some background

The Broken Images is a short poem that Graves wrote in the early 1950s. It was originally published in his collection 1955 and Other Poems, but it also appears in Collected Poems 1925-1955 and The Complete Poems of Robert Graves, Volume 2: 1935-1965 (with introduction by Ian Fletcher).

It is an interesting piece to think about because it’s so different from most modern poetry—it doesn’t follow any specific rules or structure. That said, it can still be understood by most readers with some background information on Graves and his work.

The Broken Images는 Graves가 1950년대 초에 쓴 짧은 시입니다. 그것은 원래 그의 컬렉션 1955 및 기타 시집에 출판되었지만 Collected Poems 1925-1955 및 The Complete Poems of Robert Graves, Volume 2: 1935-1965(Ian Fletcher의 소개 포함)에도 나타납니다.
어떤 특정한 규칙이나 구조를 따르지 않는 대부분의 현대 시와는 매우 다르기 때문에 생각하기에 흥미로운 작품입니다. 즉, Graves와 그의 작업에 대한 배경 정보가 있는 대부분의 독자는 여전히 이해할 수 있습니다.


Graves' poem is still relevant today, but it's worth noting that he wrote it at a time when the First World War was fresh in people's minds. Today, we tend to think of war as something that happens far away from us - something that doesn't affect us personally. Graves wanted his readers to relate their own experiences with those of the soldiers who fought in WWI; by comparing them with broken images he hoped we could see how similar all human beings really are - regardless of nationality or race or religion."

그레이브스의 시는 오늘날에도 여전히 관련이 있지만 그가 1차 세계 대전이 사람들의 마음에 생생했던 시기에 썼다는 점은 주목할 가치가 있습니다. 오늘날 우리는 전쟁을 멀리서 일어나는 일, 즉 우리에게 개인적으로 영향을 미치지 않는 일로 생각하는 경향이 있습니다. Graves는 독자들이 자신의 경험을 제1차 세계대전에 참전한 군인들의 경험과 연관시키기를 원했습니다. 부서진 이미지와 비교함으로써 그는 국적, 인종, 종교에 관계없이 모든 인간이 실제로 얼마나 비슷한지 알 수 있기를 바랐습니다."


